Friday, August 3

I Can Breathe A Sigh Of Relief...

Follow up from my last entry Computers & Technology Are So Frustrating... where I explained about my issue with my hard drive last week.

I had spoke to someone about the lead I brought and that I picked up the multi adaptor plug, and it turned out that I had a little yellow thing under the plug which has the different outputs from 3v to 12v! We passed messages back and forth and said that if anything will happen to my hard drive, it would just fry the mother board in the caddy not my hard drive itself.
Been putting off doing it as I was very nervous as I did not want to lose anything from my drive as I have stored so much over the years, as I do tend to take a lot of photographs with my phone! I also download a lot of stuff off Google or save things from Facebook etc.
Went through my old messages on Facebook and found the ones where he told me to plug in the adptors and it didn't work so was like nooooooo this can't be happening! So I thought screw it, lets turn the adaptor round and try again and all of a sudden my laptop made the noise it makes when you plug a USB in! I was so happy to hear it and crossed my fingers hoping that it didn't corrupt or anything and it didn't!!

I am so happy and I am still calming myself down after building up so much worry and anxiety over my hard drive and losing everything! I am now able to do my graphics and I am able to keep moving stuff from my laptop to my hard drive and vice versa!

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