all i can say is i am glad that christmas is over and done with.. it has been so hard to deal with what with mum n dad argueing and the house having this atmosphere and not feeling like home anymore.
i got woken up christmas day morning at 8am by my brother singing "merry christmas everyone" to himself.. in the end i had to get up as my brother was whispering my name so i got up and we went and sit with mum, like we have always done with out stockings.. except we had to wait for my sister as she stayed with her boyfriend christmas eve..
i went to wake dad up when we had done out stockings.. and he came down, hardly spoke to us, didnt say anything about his presents.. then went off upstairs.. never saw or heard much from him again until i was told to get dad down for breakfast.. except it took 4 attempts to get him come down.. and then went off back into the bedroom - again! and that was it, it was just myself, mum and brother and sister .. what fun!?
Christmas was a complete disaster.. and in a way i was glad that i was called to see my mate, because other wise i would had just pulled my hair out and got more fed up..
i got some nice pressies though, i got:
a book, nighty's, socks, knickers, chocolates, smellies, phone and some jewelery.. =)
i tried really hard to keep a brave face, until it came to dinner.. i went up and told dad it ready and not to be too long, said ok and then never came down and then a row started because he never was called, when he was!! its getting silly and petty.. and sick of the atmosphere..!
in the end i spent the night with a friend, spent boxing day with them until i was told i was invited to see my aunt and uncle which i thought was ok and good as it be nice n stuff, but there was just an atmosphere obviously everyone knows that mum n dad splitting up and getting divorced and now hardly anyone talking to us - talk about UNFAIR! just because thats happening doesnt mean we dont want a normal bloody life does it!?
.. went back to my mates and omg i was so much happier.. least they understand me...!!
i had to come back yesterday - unfortunatly.. so i had to get bus into town to get another bus out, so i wondered around the town bit and omg.. there hardly anything in the sales espesh in New Look .. the inspire section is so tiny now all there on sale is pjama's and few coats, jeans, and cardigans! nothing much interesting or worth buying really.. so i bought myself some headband thingys i had before, in Pink, Blue Brown & Black - all for £1 so i got them.. hehe