Wednesday, December 9

8th December... Outcome...

well as it is written in the post before about my doctors, well the outcome was OK but not again what i expected, i am beginning to think that i am expecting too much from people..?

i am now on Sertraline antidepressants on the 50mg dosage to start, gotta go back in 2 weeks see how i am getting on etc.
im gonna get a referal to see another mental health person within the surgery other than Kevin Pinkney on a friday, as i cannot get a regular appointment seen as how he is so busy and pretty much booked up all the time, i mean i got an appointment on friday (11th december) and i booked that on the 18th november.. thats how bad it is.
so that should then mean that if i am seeing a couple of people about it i got some support there, and i also got some info for the samaratains so again thats another source of help and support.

Still.. i am waiting upon an out come from the bedale centre about the assessment i had.. but i probably will not hear anything now until after christmas i bet! :(
so in the meantime, i will just find someone at the samaratians i can confide in when i need to, have the help from kevin and new person at the surgery .... so hopefully i will have some sort of counciling soon because i cannot continue like this, its not good and i am putting myself aswel as others at risk.. me more than others because i self harm a fair amount and i hardly ever hit out at the person/people that have upset me.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Samantha, I'm so sorry to read that you're unwell, hope to hear good news from you very soon.
    Thank you so much for joining my blog!
    Greetings from Italy! :)
