Sunday, October 14

Why Does This Have To Be Real...?

Today I have been flicking through my hard drive sorting out some videos to put on to my USB stick that goes into my telly and been flicking through all my old pictures that I have taken over the years and put onto my hard drive to make space on my laptop.

I found some old videos that I kept in a separate folder to go through easier and I was nosing to see what I have stored and came across some videos of Jack my eldest nephew at Christmas at our Grandparents house we all got together for a Christmas meal at my grandparents and didn't realise that you could hear my Grandad in the background. There was other voices as well but I just broke down because it's been almost 10 months since my Grandad died and I miss him so much!

To be honest it still hasn't sunk in properly that he is no longer here, I haven't been to his grave since his funeral back in January because I don't want it to be real so I haven't gone :( I want too because then I can speak to him and tell him I'm sorry I haven't been sooner etc.

Never knew I had this and I am so glad that I always take pictures of everything and everyone and videos too! It felt so good to hear his voice but now I miss him even more if that's even possible!?

At least now, when I miss him and want to hear his voice, I can! Will have to share the videos with my family so they too can hear his voice!

I had all this a few years ago when I was given a DVD of my Nan she was interviewed at St Wilfreds Hospice about the roses that was planted in the gardens and it was originally on video but it finally got transferred to DVD and it had been many years since I last heard my nans voice and I remember how upset I was when I heard her voice for the first time...

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