Tuesday, June 12

My blog..

I have been on my overview of all my blogs today, and I noticed that one of my blogs, Life After My Ectopic Pregnancy has reached over 10,000 view's in the 2 years I've been running it.
This blog, Miss-Sammii has been running for a little while longer, and I've only just hit the 8,000 mark..

It's pretty strange to me because I don't really share my blogs with anyone or even have links to these blogs anywhere at the moment..
Before, I used to have links to this blog between various social networking sites or even various free sites that I make up on Webs or Weebly..

For me to see this is a pretty strange feeling, I've never experienced anything like this before, normally I feel my websites/blogs etc. go unnoticed and it now seems they really don't.
It would be nicer if I knew how many people came back, but I guess that's something I will have to live with.

I think now that I have seen just how many people look at my various blogs a day I should add more to them and make it more active. So this is now going to be my plan from now on.

The blog I have been talking about is here:

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